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Patient Voices on #CTalk: Don’t Do Things To Me, Create a Plan With Me
Patient Voices on #CTalk: What Matters Most In The News

Patient Voices on #CTalk: What Matters Most

It’s no secret I’m a bit of a healthcare social media evangelist. As clinicians, I think it’s essential that we develop digital competency, embrace social tools and participate in conversations online. Why? Because it’s where patients and caregivers are. One of my favorite social tools I have integrated into my nursing practice is Twitter. On this platform, I can: Connect…
Carol Bush
November 4, 2015
On Q Health is now Carevive Systems In The News

On Q Health is now Carevive Systems

New name.  Same excellent solution for your practice. Only the name has changed. Nothing else. Our commitment to deliver high quality e-clinical tools to support the oncology team’s delivery of quality cancer care is still the same. Introducing Carevive Systems. Pronounced /kair’vaiv/. We’ve grown up quite a bit since our incorporation in early 2013. We set out to help cancer…
August 4, 2015
Patient Reported Outcomes Research: Lessons Learned From Launching A Novel Electronic Platform Posters

Patient Reported Outcomes Research: Lessons Learned From Launching A Novel Electronic Platform

My name is Kellie Phillips. I am a BSN student at Montana State University and have been working with Dr. Jeannine Brant at Billings Clinic (BC) for almost a year and a half on a project with Carevive Health, in which I became completely enamored with. How did I become involved with research as a student nurse? I am very…
Kellie Phillips
May 15, 2015
2014 Palliative Care Symposium Preview: Patient-Reported Outcomes
2014 Palliative Care Symposium Preview: Patient-Reported Outcomes In The News

2014 Palliative Care Symposium Preview: Patient-Reported Outcomes

Originally posted on ASCO Connection   I’m looking forward to the 2014 Palliative Care Symposium in Boston. Our session on"The Three Ms of Symptom Science—Mechanisms, Measurement, and Management" will highlight some of the cutting-edge information about symptoms. I’ll be talking about the third M, management, and I’ll focus on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and novel electronic systems which facilitate PROs. These electronic…
Jeannine M. Brant
August 27, 2014